Don't listen to them. They're just jealous of your shoes.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

"A man can't enjoy a shuffle in his own coffin?"

-That's off misfits. Get on it.


So as a Liverpudlian chick I like to keep my head above water in terms of scouse goings-on. There's PYAR LOADS happening in the city, aside from the decent nightlife and shops the music scene is pretty champ. I love that new talent is really supported and actually has the opportunity to thrive here. I'd say some decent venues to check out would be The Zanzibar, The Shipping Forecast, Mojo and obv. the 02 academy- but that's just a few, there's literally up-and-coming bands spilling out of the arsehole of Liverpool.

And I think that's boss.

I was going to bang on about some of my favourite new bands, but I decided against it, I think I'll wait till my next gig to gush about a band, try and do a proper review perhaps?

After reading this issue of 'bido lito' - Liverpool's music magazine, my fingers started to itch, after reading some of the reviews (and, no offence, the silly amount of typos- eh I'm not bitching, I'm just a grammar freak) I really think I could have a go of this whole 'writing' lark. Well, I can have a go like.

So I've got a few gigs coming up, and my friend is showing at an upcoming art exhibition so maybe I could do a shout out for that. Anyways I will let you know if I decide to submit, I'll give you a tasty preview beforehand- you fellas can be my spell check.


Myself and a few amigos are bashing Black Swan on Saturday- mega excited for it, I shall let you all know how it goes. My lad mates won't shut up about the lesbo scene when Natalie Portman gets licked out, something for everyone I suppose...

That's all I got fellas. Hope it's all kicking off for you.
Type soon

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